  • Sep 6, 2021

    For all u unemployed ktt members who have been collecting the covid unemployment bonus: are u gonna go get a job after covid unemployment benefits end and why not?

  • Sep 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Damn I thought that s*** been ended

  • OP
    Sep 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Damn I thought that s*** been ended

    I thought so too until i saw articles about it ending today or tomorrow or some s***

  • Sep 6, 2021

    F*** unemployment

    Niggas had me wait 9 months just to give me 2k then my s*** expired

  • Sep 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Lmao no way you guys still milking this s***

    It’s been 2 years leave the crib go catch covid spice things up. It’s time

  • Sep 6, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean yeah. But honestly super great full for the time I was in it. Been on it since covid started. Super great experience and just decided to learn a lot, save, and work on my own s***.

  • Sep 6, 2021

    Lmao no way you guys still milking this s***

    It’s been 2 years leave the crib go catch covid spice things up. It’s time

    It’s been 1 year but sure

  • Sep 6, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean yeah. But honestly super great full for the time I was in it. Been on it since covid started. Super great experience and just decided to learn a lot, save, and work on my own s***.

    I heard y'all was getting $1000 some weeks can you confirm this?

  • Sep 6, 2021
    1 reply

    I heard y'all was getting $1000 some weeks can you confirm this?

    Lmao no.
    I was only getting 532$

    I worked at a pretty nice hotel for a while and had just graduated from my Bachelors and planned on staying there for a while cause I was making stupid money and wanted to start my own company but due to the restrictions going on in Washington I ended up getting fired and then stayed on it the whole year because it finically made more sense for me because even if I did get another job I would be making less took advantage of my time. Don’t regret it

  • Sep 6, 2021

    that extra money stopped about 5 months ago where i'm at

  • OP
    Sep 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Lmao no.
    I was only getting 532$

    I worked at a pretty nice hotel for a while and had just graduated from my Bachelors and planned on staying there for a while cause I was making stupid money and wanted to start my own company but due to the restrictions going on in Washington I ended up getting fired and then stayed on it the whole year because it finically made more sense for me because even if I did get another job I would be making less took advantage of my time. Don’t regret it

    Nice, whatre u planning on doing now that its ending?

  • OP
    Sep 6, 2021

    Restaurants in my area are happy its ending bc it seems like a lot of the staff in the service industry in general didnt come back so everyone was short staffed

    Wonder if the former staff will return to that line of work though 🤔

  • Sep 6, 2021

    Nice, whatre u planning on doing now that its ending?

    Well I’m still working on my company and then picking up a part time job doing some video work (hopefully?) if not then just bartend to make some extra dough while
    I get my stuff off the ground.

  • Sep 6, 2021

    I thought so too until i saw articles about it ending today or tomorrow or some s***

    I remembered folks talking about it ending like back in spring here in Georgia

  • Sep 6, 2021

    For you guys that’s been On unemployment I hope everyone finds a job that supports them ❤️ mine ended in spring this year. I’m grateful to have found a job in June that supports my needs and wants.

  • Sep 6, 2021

    Ur local McDonald’s is always hiring

  • AR15 💯
    Sep 6, 2021

    I paid off all my loans including my car im debt free with a 3 year old car paid off, i stopped collecting like 3 months ago now, my old company is blowing my s*** up trying to get me back even offering a raise. Im prob not going back.

    Wanna do something different like selling plates on ig or bartending.