  • Jul 4, 2020

    Anyone have any favorite recent underground stuff to recommend, maybe from slums? Sometimes I donā€™t know what to listen to cause thereā€™s a lot

    MIKE - Weight of the World
    Mavi - Let the Sun Talk

    Armand Hammer - Shrines
    Preservation - Eastern Medicine, Western Illness

  • Jul 4, 2020
    1 reply

    More like been cuz artists like Roc Marciano or Boldy James been dropping fire for some time now.

  • Jul 4, 2020

    Anyone have any favorite recent underground stuff to recommend, maybe from slums? Sometimes I donā€™t know what to listen to cause thereā€™s a lot

  • Jul 4, 2020
    3 replies

    Y'all don't ever put any respect on Tha God Fahim smh

  • Jul 4, 2020
    1 reply

    More like been cuz artists like Roc Marciano or Boldy James been dropping fire for some time now.

    Thatā€™s a factā€”a lot of these artists have. I guess Iā€™m thinking of this era as the past decade more or less

  • Jul 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Marcus is Dust

    His work under the name Millo is fire as well

    Yo Quelle is so so nice at putting albums together.

    milo got ANOTHER alias I'm a fan but he's got too many names to keep up

  • Jul 4, 2020
    2 replies

    Is Gibbs underground?

  • Jul 4, 2020

    milo got ANOTHER alias I'm a fan but he's got too many names to keep up

    nah Milo is no more

    it's just R.A.P. Ferreira and Scallops Hotel now

  • Jul 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Y'all don't ever put any respect on Tha God Fahim smh

    My b. Havenā€™t been bumping him lately. I prefer his work pre-2018 tbh. What are your fav projects?

  • Jul 4, 2020
    Marcus is Dust

    Thatā€™s a factā€”a lot of these artists have. I guess Iā€™m thinking of this era as the past decade more or less

    I got you. Dope thread anyway

  • Marcus is Dust

    Is Gibbs underground?

    Definitely not. Even less now that he's with a major label. Back in 2013-2015 you could still realistically call him underground, but he's been in the spotlight for sometime. He's just at that point where he's like a bridge between underground and mainstream, but leaning more towards the mainstream.

  • Jul 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Marcus is Dust

    Is Gibbs underground?

    eh nah. heā€™s one of those dudes that arenā€™t underground or mainstream

  • Jul 4, 2020

    but fr yall need to peep lojii more

  • Jul 4, 2020

    If yā€™all got any underground producers to shoutout Iā€™ll add em

  • Jul 4, 2020
    phil trout

    Yes sir!!! let em know Marc!! They still asleep!!

  • Jul 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Marcus is Dust

    My b. Havenā€™t been bumping him lately. I prefer his work pre-2018 tbh. What are your fav projects?

    Dollars N Sense
    The Star Truth
    Lost Kingz
    Soul Dust
    Dreams of Medina
    Wide Berth
    Tha Divine Brotherhood
    Dump Assassins
    Tells of Da Banished

    Are all nice he's gone more towards the black empowerment raps and I am grateful for it. His new project After Every Dark Day Comes Sunshine hits hard af given the current times we're in. He's got so many tapes and albums though it do get hard to keep it up lmao

  • RX figtalk šŸ
    Jul 4, 2020
    1 reply

    yes but this is a pretty narrow definition of underground

  • Jul 4, 2020
    2 replies

    Another dude to be on the lookout for Rome Streetz. He be at it for a minute and he just got the feature on Westside Gunn's new tape. His new project Noize Kandy 4 dropped a couple weeks ago too. Tap in now

  • Jul 4, 2020

    throwing in some dope underground/alternative rap stuff from overseas too for anyone interested

  • Jul 4, 2020


  • Jul 4, 2020
    RX figtalk

    yes but this is a pretty narrow definition of underground

    ? Who defined it

  • Jul 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Another dude to be on the lookout for Rome Streetz. He be at it for a minute and he just got the feature on Westside Gunn's new tape. His new project Noize Kandy 4 dropped a couple weeks ago too. Tap in now

    Yes, Rome is great man sounds like if a pair of Timbs could rap

  • Marcus is Dust

    Yes, Rome is great man sounds like if a pair of Timbs could rap

  • Jul 4, 2020
    Smacked Voodoo

    Dollars N Sense
    The Star Truth
    Lost Kingz
    Soul Dust
    Dreams of Medina
    Wide Berth
    Tha Divine Brotherhood
    Dump Assassins
    Tells of Da Banished

    Are all nice he's gone more towards the black empowerment raps and I am grateful for it. His new project After Every Dark Day Comes Sunshine hits hard af given the current times we're in. He's got so many tapes and albums though it do get hard to keep it up lmao

    Good picks. Yeah I love the direction heā€™s going in thematically, but I think I prefer to listen to his earlier tapes which were just more fun if nothing else. On tapes around the TGIF era for example heā€™s mad funny and has so much more energy. Canā€™t knock his hustle because heā€™s one of the most prolific rappers Iā€™ve ever heard

  • Smacked Voodoo

    Another dude to be on the lookout for Rome Streetz. He be at it for a minute and he just got the feature on Westside Gunn's new tape. His new project Noize Kandy 4 dropped a couple weeks ago too. Tap in now

    Imma check him out, sounds interesting