fair but wasn't party a gigantic ass to kehlani lmao
nah, he was there at her hospital bed, that triumphs everything
why would u stan so hard that you don't listen to other people who Party probably listens to himself loool
party only listens to himself
Afrobeat kinda night
Wednesday Night interlude and the 2015 leaks forming a Party album then - back in 2015
We would look at em differently
We would look trav's rodeo sound different
2015 party was crazy
Kehlanis freestyle
All I Know
Wednesday Night Interlude
Clique'd Up
Codeine Bumpin
Just a Rider (personal fav)
Routine Rouge
This is amazing
Wednesday Night interlude and the 2015 leaks forming a Party album then - back in 2015
We would look at em differently
We would look trav's rodeo sound different
2015 party was crazy
Kehlanis freestyle
All I Know
Wednesday Night Interlude
Clique'd Up
Codeine Bumpin
Just a Rider (personal fav)
Routine Rouge
This is amazing
Party will always be the unsung hero of the industry
static.hiphopdx.com/2020/03/200326-PARTYNEXTDOOR-getty-800x600.jpg Yoooo where this picture from?
https://static.hiphopdx.com/2020/03/200326-PARTYNEXTDOOR-getty-800x600.jpg Yoooo where this picture from?
ovo halloween party or drakes bday
party only listens to himself
he doesn't even listen to his old music loool
he doesn't even listen to his old music loool
He listening to PM and that’s what I’ve been listening to, aint a day that went by where I did listen to it
Gonna wake up to Believe It from now on
is it good? i dont wanna listen cuz she was an ass to party
it’s dope man, prob her best project imo s*** getting her s*** off and talking that nasty s*** too
Gonna wake up to Believe It from now on
sorry missed your call breh
been a busy day damn