I think this all comes down to him being anxious and extremely paranoid
He always sees some plot against him, Sony AMG and the masters situation made him compare himself to Prince, now he's talking about how they killed MJ. He's scared his family's going to institutionalize him
He even moved from Calabasas to Wyoming because he was paranoid about Drake (he recently talked about how he lives in Wyoming so that Nori can walk to school alone safely and things like that)
He was also scared of Jay-Z's "killers" during Saint Pablo Tour
I also doubt Kim K cheated on him, but I can see him being extremely paranoid about it with his new faith. S***, even seeing the Will Smith / Jada situation could have made him a lot more worried about earlier moments of his relationship life
What y'all think?
Of course I'm not downplaying the underlying mental health issues he may have, I just think this is the most common theme of his "episodes"
Of course I'm not downplaying the underlying mental health issues he may have, I just think this is the most common theme of his "episodes"
‘When you’re in this state, you’re hyper-paranoid about everything. Everyone – this is my experience, other people have different experiences – everyone now is an actor,’ he explains of his illness. ‘Everything’s a conspiracy. You feel the government is putting chips in your head. You feel you’re being recorded. You feel all these things.’
seems Kanye would agree with you
However in this case he's saying that Meek told him about Kim trying to smash, months ago. Either Kanye's psychosis is so bad that he's fallen into full blown delusion, or Meek is a snake, or Kim really is unfaithful and Kanye is justified to be paranoid.
However in this case he's saying that Meek told him about Kim trying to smash, months ago. Either Kanye's psychosis is so bad that he's fallen into full blown delusion, or Meek is a snake, or Kim really is unfaithful and Kanye is justified to be paranoid.
Did he actually say this? Or are we implying that while putting the pieces together? I think we still don't know enough about that