I mean yeah, he's been trying to recreate the Pablo hype every album since unsuccessfully
Donda hype was the opposite of unsuccessful & that was post trumpye
I thought this too but then again, cut out all the ty dolla sign parts and you have something that is arguably even worse than jik.
what does this even mean you’re judging an album based on a version you’ve created in your head
Every album has at least one or two good songs.
Performance wise it's JiK but the hooks are ridiculously catchy.
Ye has a few interesting intuitions but it's extremely undercooked. Even Ghost Town which to me is by far and away the best track has it's issues.
So I'd go with Ye. Vultures basically took everything interesting about Ye and integrated Into a much better album.
Also, KSG is super overrated. His weakest collab album.
Ye is the most lifeless Kanye album
JIK sucks but you can still tell listening to it it's something he wanted to make and I appreciate that
Ye is an album of rushed throwaways meant to distract from the red hat/slavery is a choice hole he dug himself into that got overshadowed by better albums released the week before and after it. He didn't even really bother to promote or do anything with it before he moved on to Yandhi promo
Donda mid as s*** lmao
Great Value brand TLOP
Definitely some good songs out of the era, but just overall a mess
Better than ye jik and ksg put together
Better than ye jik and ksg put together
Better than JIK yeah
Not the Wyoming Era albums tho
Easily JIK and anyone who says different is slow
JIK has heart I have somewhat of a nice time listening to it
I thought this too but then again, cut out all the ty dolla sign parts and you have something that is arguably even worse than jik.
cut out the other dude on a collab album?
you’re dumb af
I thought this too but then again, cut out all the ty dolla sign parts and you have something that is arguably even worse than jik.
What the f*** are you smoking
Ye is a depressing listen
it’s like a blob of conventional Kanye-type songs, like it was executive produced by a Reddit Kanye fan
Jesus is King has some mid, but it was at least full of passionate moments. If Ye doesn’t have Ghost Town, well at least JIK has Follow God, On God, God Is, and Hands On
And Water is a really good song, I will never understand how someone can hate it. It sounds like waking up from a nap on the beach and realizing ur still at the beach, and then being lulled back to sleep by the sound of the ocean. Incredible production