With casuals, yeah
Billie only has her fans and probably won’t get more
Yeah she’s very niche imo
I’m sure she’ll change up her gimmick in a year or two to try and appeal to a wider audience
Yeah she’s very niche imo
I’m sure she’ll change up her gimmick in a year or two to try and appeal to a wider audience
I doubt that’s possible without betraying her current fanbase
With casuals, yeah
Billie only has her fans and probably won’t get more
Be nice if she actually had only fans
Disney+ x Sour Documentary incoming
https://twitter.com/tayliviateam/status/1494201698629439488so in
Disney+ x Sour Documentary incoming
Best new pop artist: Olivia Rodrigo
Female artist of the year: Olivia Rodrigo
TikTok Bop of the Year (socially voted category): “good 4 u” – Olivia Rodrigo