  • May 14, 2021

    Brood X Cicadas, or the 17 year cicadas, are emerging these past couple of days, hitting mainly the DMV area, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, PA, etc. Billions of these little guys bout to go crazy

    I remember the ones back in 2004 scared the s*** out of 8 year old me But honestly now as an adult I find them kinda cute, so long as they just mind their damn business and don't go flying around like locusts . You all in these areas seen any of these yet?

  • May 14, 2021

    F*** I hate these things. WHY ARE THEY SO F***ING HUGE

  • May 14, 2021
    3 replies

    Another L for the East Coast. Come live your dreams West of Nevada

  • May 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Another L for the East Coast. Come live your dreams West of Nevada

    Worst time zone

  • May 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Worst time zone

    Nah that’s central/mountain time

  • May 14, 2021

    Another L for the East Coast. Come live your dreams West of Nevada

    Trust me, when my money’s right Im moving out to bigger and better things

  • May 14, 2021
    1 reply

    The end is near

  • May 14, 2021

    title reads like a fashion collab

  • loading 🧊
    May 14, 2021

    The end is near

    shut your w**** mouth

  • May 14, 2021

    They’re so f***ing loud

  • May 14, 2021
    1 reply


  • May 14, 2021

    I hate these stupid f***ers. I remember I was in elementary school they last appeared, and they were f***ing everywhere.

  • Tadow 🥀
    May 14, 2021

    Nah that’s central/mountain time

  • May 14, 2021


    It already is

  • May 14, 2021

    Birds about to FEAST

  • May 15, 2021

    Yet another L for the rust belt

  • Jun 9, 2021

    f*** this I hate these f***ers. For a minute it was cool cause they were just emerging and they couldn’t fly very well for the most part. But now that they’re used to not being underground they’re EVERYWHERE, and they’re bold little s***s.

    they’re exploring every surface trying to find places to mate so they’re constantly landing on people. It’s so bad I can’t even get from the car to the house w/o dodging and swatting. You usually feel them land on you since they’re about the size and weight of a half marshmallow, but I keep seeing people accidentally bring them in their house on their backs. It’s disgusting.

    I hate their beady little red eyes, I hate the slurpy screechy sounds they make in the trees, I hate the feeling of their sticky little orange legs gripping onto my skin, I even hate the coordination it must take for a brood spanning half the country to wait 17 years and then all emerge at once.. they’re demonic aliens and it’s time we banish them back to their home planet.

  • Jun 9, 2021

    is anyone else on this site seeing the plague going on outside? I swear I don’t remember it being this freaky when I was 7.

  • Jun 9, 2021

    My friend sent me a video of like 40 of ‘em on this guys jacket while he was walking

  • Jun 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Finally started seeing em. Doesn’t seem nearly as bad as last time

  • Jun 9, 2021

    hate this s***

    when they crowd around a tree and start buzzing together you can feel that s*** when you outside

    only like 4 more weeks with them then gone for 17 years again tho so whatever

  • Jun 9, 2021

    Finally started seeing em. Doesn’t seem nearly as bad as last time

    Yeh it’s nowhere near as bad. I had a couple stick to me but I just swipe em off, no big deal

  • Jun 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I snapped today. Got fed up, picked one up, and bit into it. Instant regret but I guess it diffused my frustration

  • Jun 9, 2021
    1 reply

    NC looks safe for now lets goooo